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The WCOM Will Host a
Fun and Informative
Meet and Greet


On Wednesday, September 29 the WCOM held a Meet and Greet event for those interested in learning about the types of activities the club supports. The event took place at the Milton Public Library.

A number of current club members, both short term and long term, attended the event to personally escorted visitors through the room and to answer questions.  A number of items were on display showing and describing the work our members do. Our hospitality committee arranged for a terrific arrangement of homemade goodies donated by our members. This two hour event proved to be a fun time for everyone involved.

We would like to thank everyone who stopped in and spent some time with us.  Those  unable to attend this event are welcome to join a WCOM meeting  held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Grace Church. The meetings start at 1:00 p.m. so please come a few minutes early so we can welcome you.


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